Bug#562543: File-Roller does not close the archiver when you click "Cancel"!

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Sun Feb 28 07:34:10 UTC 2010

package file-roller
tags 562543 + moreinfo

On 25-Dec-2009, Юрий Зеньков wrote:
> After starting back up I click "Cancel", File-Roller locked, but the
> program Archiver all the same work.

Thank you for taking the time to make a bug report. However, in this
case I'm afraid this is not enough information for us to begin to know
what behaviour you are seeing.

Can you please give specific steps to reproduce the situation, the
behaviour you expected, and the behaviour you actually see?

For example, you might write something like:

Steps to reproduce:

* Start the program by typing ‘file-roller’.

* Select the “File” → “Open” menu option.

  * The “Open” dialogue box appears.

* Select the “Cancel” button.

  * The program hangs, refusing all input.

Expected behaviour:

* The “Open” dialogue box should disappear.

* The program should continue to respond to input.

Obviously your situation will be different from that example, so you
would write something different. The more detail you can give about
how you reproduce the problem, the better the maintainer can respond.

Thank you in advance.

 \        “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Wuh, I think |
  `\      so, Brain, but isn't Regis Philbin already married?” —_Pinky |
_o__)                                                   and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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