Bug#564071: gdm: GDM does not pick up sessions in /var/lib/menu-xdg/xsessions/

Bill Allombert Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
Sat Jan 16 17:02:09 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 01:36:33PM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le vendredi 15 janvier 2010 à 22:18 +0100, Bill Allombert a écrit : 
> > Where is it documented ?  Do you really want menu-xdg to generate xsessions in> /usr/share/xsessions?
> No. The Debian menu specification does not obtain sufficient information
> to generate them, so it is out of question to generate them
> automatically. It would duplicate existing entries and add broken ones.

The Debian menu specification does not limit what amount of information is
available to menu-xdg. It is simply a matter of adding a new field. So,
exactly what information is missing ?

> > If xsessions is anything like the other existing XDG specification, it is
> > trivial for GDM to read xsessions file in /var/lib/menu-xdg/xsessions.
> Yes it is indeed trivial. The reason why it doesn’t read them anymore is
> because the contents of this directory is wrong.
> >   The
> > only real issue is #464179 but first duplicated entries is not a critical
> > problem
> WTF? Duplicated entries is a major usability issue.

This particular usability issue is nothing compared to the usability issue
of missing entries. Anyway, I will change menu-xdg not to generate
files in /var/lib/menu-xdg/xsessions if there is already a file in
/usr/share/xsessions. How does that sound ?

> A window manager is not a session manager. Just because some of them can
> serve as both (often in a very restricted way) doesn’t mean you can add
> all of them blindly.

You still fails to mention a single needs=wm menu entry that does not work.
In the end, what gdm should start should be let to the choice of the user.

Please find the list of current needs=wm menu entries and tells me which are

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 
-------------- next part --------------
share/menu/9wm:  title="9wm" command="/usr/bin/9wm"
share/menu/aewm:  title="aewm" command="/usr/bin/aewm"
share/menu/aewm++:?package(aewm++):needs="wm" section="Window Managers" title="aewm++" command="/usr/bin/aewm++"
share/menu/afterstep:  title="AfterStep" command="/usr/bin/afterstep"
share/menu/amiwm:  command="/usr/bin/amiwm"
share/menu/awesome:  command="/usr/bin/awesome" \
share/menu/blackbox:  command="/usr/bin/blackbox" \
share/menu/dwm:  command="/usr/bin/dwm"
share/menu/e16:   title="e16" command="/usr/bin/e16"
share/menu/fluxbox:?package(fluxbox):needs="wm" section="Window Managers" title="FluxBox" command="/usr/bin/startfluxbox"
share/menu/flwm:  title="Flwm" command="/usr/bin/flwm" \
share/menu/fvwm:  command="/usr/bin/fvwm2"
share/menu/fvwm1:  command="/usr/bin/fvwm1"
share/menu/icewm:?package(icewm):command="/usr/bin/icewm" needs="wm" \
share/menu/icewm-experimental:?package(icewm-experimental):command="/usr/bin/icewm-experimental" needs="wm" \
share/menu/icewm-lite:?package(icewm-lite):command="/usr/bin/icewm-lite" needs="wm" \
share/menu/ion3:  title="Ion3" command="/usr/bin/ion3"
share/menu/ion3:  title="PWM3" command="/usr/bin/pwm3"
share/menu/jwm:	command="/usr/bin/jwm"
share/menu/larswm: command="/usr/bin/larswm"
share/menu/lesstif-bin:        command="/usr/bin/mwm"
share/menu/lwm:  title="lwm" command="/usr/bin/lwm"
share/menu/miwm:	command="/usr/bin/miwm"
share/menu/openbox:  title="Openbox" command="/usr/bin/openbox" \
share/menu/oroborus:   title="Oroborus" command="/usr/bin/oroborus"
share/menu/pekwm:?package(pekwm):needs="wm"	section="Window Managers" title="Pekwm" command="/usr/bin/pekwm"
share/menu/ratpoison:  title="ratpoison" command="/usr/bin/ratpoison"
share/menu/sapphire:  title="Sapphire" command="/usr/bin/sapphire"
share/menu/sawfish:	title="Sawfish" command="/usr/bin/sawfish"
share/menu/sugar-session-0.84:  title="Sugar" command="/usr/bin/sugar"
share/menu/sugar-session-0.86:  title="Sugar" command="/usr/bin/sugar"
share/menu/sugar-session-0.88:  title="Sugar" command="/usr/bin/sugar"
share/menu/uwm:  title="uwm" command="/usr/bin/uwm"
share/menu/w9wm:  command="/usr/bin/w9wm"
share/menu/windowlab: command="/usr/bin/windowlab"
share/menu/wm2:?package(wm2):command="/usr/bin/wm2" needs="wm" \
share/menu/wmaker:	command="/usr/bin/wmaker"
share/menu/wmii:  command="/usr/bin/wmii"
share/menu/wmii2:  command="/usr/bin/wmii"

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