Horred warres and shedding of bloud, in so much that when
Primer Ill
niceties at skina.com.tw
Sat Mar 27 05:31:08 UTC 2010
Heereof, liked not their dooings, for that they had doone it
without commandement or commission, and therefore sent earle Harold
with an armie to chastise them, but they were [Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._]
strong inough to withstand him, as those which were assembled in
togither with the people of Lincolnshire, Notinghamshire, and
Darbishire, and hauing with them Marcharus
or Malcharus, the sonne of earle Algar,
were come as farre as Northhampton, doing much
hurt in the parts therabouts. Howbeit to haue the kings peace, they
offered to returne home, so that they might haue an other earle
appointed them, for that they plainlie protested, that they being
freemen, borne
and bred out of bondage, might not suffer anie cruell gouernor to rule
ouer them, being taught by their ancestors, either
to liue in libertie, or to die in defense thereof. If therefore it
might please the king
to assigne Marcharus the son of earle Algar to be their ruler, he
should see how obedient subiects they would prooue & shew themselues
to be, when they should be vsed after a reasonable and courteous
manner. All things considered,
their request seemed [Sidenote: Marcharus made earle
of Northumberland.] reasonable, or at least it was thought necessarie
that it should be granted. And so was Marcharus or Malcherus made
earle of Northumberland. Tostie in great
displeasure with his wife and children sailed ouer into Flanders, and
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