transition: proposal libpt2.6.5->libpt2.6.6 & libopal3.6.6->libopal3.6.7

Mark Purcell msp at
Sun May 23 00:46:00 UTC 2010

On Saturday 22 May 2010 20:44:27 Eugen Dedu wrote:
> I am pretty sure that the new releases will be done on Monday or 
> Thursday.  Note: They will be pt 2.6.7 and opal 3.6.8!!
> I think it is better to wait a few days (I know we are in late, but it 
> is a very small transition), but if you really prefer, we can make the 
> release now:  We need to use the old stable branch (and not the release!!):

OK Will wait..

> The ABI will not change for the release.  I have just modified the 
> debian files for the new releas

I see the upstream soname changes, this is unnecessary if the ABI doesn't 

Changing the soname causes a lot of work for the rest of us, you can't upload 
as a DM, we need to go though NEW again, opal and egika need to be rebuilt.

If the package version changes, it is quite acceptable for the soname to 
remain the same, iff the ABI hasn't changed.

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