Will You Be Trusted?

marceloprunes at fimm.com.ar marceloprunes at fimm.com.ar
Wed Nov 17 14:00:26 UTC 2010

Dear Beloved,

This letter might surprise you, Please don't ignore it as I am writing this
letter to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart
because i only have few months to live according to my Doctor.Base on this
predicament, I have now decided to spread all my wealth,to contribute mainly
to the development of charity. Please i need a reliable person who will use
the Money ($18 million dollars) to build orphanage home or charity
organization. Kindly get back to me with trust and sincerity that you will
help me on this regards.Here is my most confidential email box:
saeedahmed_011 at osoud.org
I have set aside 30% for you and for your time.

God be with you
Saeed Ahmed

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