Bug#512173: Intent to NMU or help for an l10n upload of update-manager to fix pending l10n bugs

Stephan Peijnik debian at sp.or.at
Fri Nov 19 18:17:21 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-11-19 at 18:06 +0000, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 19/11/10 13:18, David Prévot wrote:
> > So, sorry for this, but the radar beeped at your package and here am I
> > with an NMU intent...:-)
> Please feel free to NMU directly to incoming, no need for you to upload to 
> DELAYED for translation updates. Also please mail us the diff when you NMU.

I'm fine with that too. Direct upload is okay, I'll try to merge the
translations into the upstream repository asap though.

> If you want me to upload it I can probably do it, send me the diff when all the 
> translations are there and I'll upload. But if you can do it, that's better.

Same here, diff would be great for merging.



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