Please check your package for #595959

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Wed Sep 8 14:16:45 UTC 2010


On 07/09/10 22:11, Laurent Fousse wrote:
> Summary: the functions mpfr_cmp_ui and mpfr_cmp_si were implemented as
> macros that could in certain circonstances evaluate twice their first
> argument. This is fixed in the version now in experimental.
> Quoting from the bug log:
>     BTW, all packages that depend on MPFR should be checked. If one of
>     them uses mpfr_cmp_ui or mpfr_cmp_si where
>       * the first argument is an expression with side effects, and
>       * the second argument is a constant expression with the value 0,
> 	then the package may be affected by the bug and needs to be
> 	recompiled against a patched MPFR library.

genius has these two uses:

src/mpwrap.c:	case MPW_FLOAT: return mpfr_cmp_ui(op->data.fval,i);

src/mpwrap.c:		if (mpfr_cmp_ui (rop->data.fval, 1L) > 0) {

None has 0 as the second argument (though in the first case 'i' could be zero,
but as I understand it that's not a problem here).


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