Bug#638912: rhythmbox-plugin-coherence isn't displayed in plugin selection

David Schmitt david at black.co.at
Mon Aug 22 21:25:12 UTC 2011

Package: rhythmbox-plugin-coherence
Version: 2.90.1~20110329-1


after installing rhythmbox-plugin-coherence from experimental, the 
plugin does not show up in the plugin selection dialog of rhythmbox.

> david at debian:~$ dpkg -l rhythmbox-plugin-coherence rhythmbox rhythmbox-plugins
> ii  rhythmbox                                      2.90.1~20110329-1                              music player and organizer for GNOME
> ii  rhythmbox-plugin-coherence                     2.90.1~20110329-1                              UPnp plugin for rhythmbox music player
> ii  rhythmbox-plugins                              2.90.1~20110329-1                              plugins for rhythmbox music player
> david at debian:~$

Please find attached the log of "rhythmbox -d" after installing the 
plugin. Curiously, the plugin rb-plugin file seems to get read, but not 
acted upon.

Best Regards, David
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