Bug#551302: Business Proposal !!!?

Dr.Anderson Mark carlo_riccardo at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 21 21:02:15 UTC 2011


I got your contact from our British Chambers of Commerce and Industry  
and I decided to contact you directly for an investment with you in my  
company if you can understand English and India Language (Hindi).Our  
company is into production of Pharmaceutical products and Animal  
Vaccines.There are some materials that my company needs from India for  
the production of our Animal Vaccines and Anti-viral drugs.

We have been purchasing the materials from Pakistan but it is very  
scarce now and we got information that somebody has it in India but we  
are having problem with the owner of the products due to language  
barrier. Please  take out a moment of your very busy schedule to  
respond back by email:
Dr-Anderson-Mark at live.co.uk For more details.

Dr.Anderson Mark

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