Bug#537718: Error happens when gksu runs in SUDO mode

Dominique Brazziel dbrazziel at snet.net
Wed Nov 23 14:41:32 UTC 2011

    Testing using the graphical front end invoked with gksu -d
and issuing the command 'date' shows the command is actually run
and the segfault is triggered at the end when some xauth magic is

No ask_pass set, using default!
xauth: /tmp/libgksu-leDs1e/.Xauthority
STARTUP_ID: gksu/date/12159-0-asusb202_TIME1375806712
cmd[0]: /usr/bin/sudo
cmd[1]: -H
cmd[2]: -S
cmd[3]: -p
cmd[5]: -u
cmd[6]: root
cmd[7]: --
cmd[8]: date
Wed Nov 23 09:11:24 EST 2011
buffer: --
buffer: --
buffer: --
...  <== buffer -- repeated many times
brute force GNOME_SUDO_PASS ended...
No password prompt found; we'll assume we don't need a password.
xauth: /tmp/libgksu-leDs1e/.Xauthority
xauth_env: /home/user/.Xauthority
dir: /tmp/libgksu-leDs1e
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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