Bug#643964: gnome: The Gnome Battery Applet shows incorrect information about charge (of a factor 10)

marco guidetti gaedol at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 09:19:42 UTC 2011

Package: gnome
Version: 1:2.30+11
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

I don't know if I am filing this bug against the correct package, correct me in

The applet on the Gnome panel that shows the state of the battery shows an
incorrect number: for example, if acpi on the shell returns 31%, then the
applet shows 3.1%. Curiosly, the time to end the charge/time to finish the
battery charge is correct, and all the notifications about low battery/critical
low battery are right (they report an incorrect percentage, but the correct
This usually happens after I hibernate and thaw my laptop. On the first boot,
the information is correct. After subsequent hibernate/thaw cycles the value
stays the same, at 1/10th of the acpi reported value.

I am using a Lenovo X220i laptop with a fresh install of debian testing.

Thank you,


-- System Information:
Debian Release: wheezy/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 3.0.0-1-686-pae (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages gnome depends on:
ii  avahi-daemon                 0.6.30-5    
ii  epiphany-extensions          3.0.0-3     
ii  evolution-exchange           3.0.2-1     
ii  evolution-plugins            3.0.3-1+b1  
ii  evolution-webcal             2.32.0-1    
ii  gdm3                         2.30.5-11   
ii  gedit-plugins                2.30.0-1    
ii  gnome-codec-install          0.4.7+nmu1  
ii  gnome-desktop-environment    1:2.30+11   
ii  gnome-games                  1:2.30.2-2  
ii  gnome-themes-extras          2.22.0-3    
ii  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg         0.10.12-3   
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly   0.10.18-3   
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring         3.0.3-2     
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder  0.12.8-5+b1 
ii  rhythmbox-plugins            0.12.8-5+b1 
ii  software-center              2.0.7debian7
ii  synaptic                     0.75.3      
ii  system-config-printer        1.2.3-3     
ii  tomboy                       1.6.1-1     
ii  totem-mozilla                2.30.2-8+b1 
ii  transmission-gtk             2.03-2.2    

Versions of packages gnome recommends:
ii  browser-plugin-gnash    0.8.10~git20110618-3
ii  gdebi                   0.8.2               
ii  gnome-games-extra-data  2.30.0-1            
ii  gnome-office            1:2.30+11           
ii  liferea                 1.6.5-1.2+b1        
ii  menu-xdg                0.5                 
ii  network-manager-gnome   0.9.0-2             
ii  shotwell                0.11.1-1            
ii  update-notifier         0.99.3debian10      

Versions of packages gnome suggests:
ii  gnome-dbg              <none>   
ii  libreoffice-evolution  1:3.4.3-1
ii  libreoffice-gnome      1:3.4.3-1

Versions of packages gnome-desktop-environment depends on:
ii  alacarte                        0.13.2-1   
ii  baobab                          2.30.0-2   
ii  brasero                         2.30.3-3   
ii  cheese                          3.0.1-2    
ii  deskbar-applet                  2.32.0-1+b2
ii  ekiga                           3.2.7-4+b1 
ii  empathy                         2.30.3-3+b1
ii  gcalctool                       6.0.2-1    
ii  gconf-editor                    3.0.0-2    
ii  gdm3 [fast-user-switch-applet]  2.30.5-11  
ii  gksu                            2.0.2-5    
ii  gnome-backgrounds               3.0.2-2    
ii  gnome-bluetooth                 2.30.0-3   
ii  gnome-core                      1:2.30+11  
ii  gnome-dictionary                2.30.0-2   
ii  gnome-media                     2.30.0-1   
ii  gnome-netstatus-applet          2.28.1-1   
ii  gnome-nettool                   3.0.0-2    
ii  gnome-screenshot                2.30.0-2   
ii  gnome-search-tool               2.30.0-2   
ii  gnome-system-log                2.30.0-2   
ii  gnome-system-monitor            3.0.1-1    
ii  gnome-system-tools              2.30.2-2   
ii  gnome-user-share                2.30.2-1   
ii  gstreamer0.10-tools             0.10.35-1  
ii  gucharmap                       1:3.0.1-1  
ii  gvfs-bin                        1.6.4-4    
ii  hamster-applet                  2.32.1-1   
ii  libgnome2-perl                  1.042-2+b1 
ii  nautilus-sendto                 2.28.4-2+b1
ii  remmina                         0.9.3-2    
ii  seahorse                        3.0.2-1    
ii  sound-juicer                    2.32.0-1   
ii  totem-plugins                   2.30.2-8+b1
ii  vino                            3.0.3-1    
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk               0.8-1      
ii  zenity                          3.0.0-2    

Versions of packages gnome-desktop-environment recommends:
ii  gnome-accessibility  1:2.30+11 
ii  gnome-games          1:2.30.2-2

Versions of packages gnome-desktop-environment suggests:
pn  gnome-dbg  <none>

Versions of packages gnome-core depends on:
ii  desktop-base                          6.0.6             
ii  dmz-cursor-theme                      0.4.3             
ii  eog                                   3.0.2-2           
ii  epiphany-browser [gnome-www-browser]  3.0.4-1           
ii  evince                                2.32.0-1          
ii  evolution                             3.0.3-1+b1        
ii  evolution-data-server                 3.0.3-1           
ii  file-roller                           2.30.2-2          
ii  gedit                                 2.30.4-2          
ii  gnome-about                           2.30.2-2          
ii  gnome-applets                         2.30.0-4          
ii  gnome-control-center                  1:2.30.1-3        
ii  gnome-disk-utility                    2.32.1-1          
ii  gnome-icon-theme                      3.0.0-4           
ii  gnome-keyring                         3.0.3-2           
ii  gnome-menus                           2.30.3-2+b1       
ii  gnome-panel                           2.30.2-4+b1       
ii  gnome-power-manager                   2.32.0-3          
ii  gnome-screensaver                     2.30.0-3          
ii  gnome-session                         2.30.2-3+sid1     
ii  gnome-settings-daemon                 2.30.2-4          
ii  gnome-terminal                        3.0.1-1           
ii  gnome-themes                          2.30.2-1          
ii  gnome-themes-standard                 3.0.2-1           
ii  gnome-user-guide                      2.30.1-1          
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa                    0.10.35-1         
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base            0.10.35-1         
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good            0.10.30-1         
ii  gtk2-engines                          1:2.20.1-1        
ii  gvfs                                  1.6.4-4           
ii  gvfs-backends                         1.6.4-4           
ii  iceweasel [gnome-www-browser]         5.0-6             
ii  metacity                              1:2.30.1-3        
ii  nautilus                              2.30.1-3          
ii  policykit-1-gnome                     0.102-1           
ii  totem                                 2.30.2-8+b1       
ii  yelp                                  2.30.1+webkit-1+b1

Versions of packages gnome-core suggests:
ii  gnome-desktop-environment  1:2.30+11

-- no debconf information

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