Bug#601106: gdmflexiserver in gdm3 has lost the xnest feature

Yann Dirson ydirson at free.fr
Sat Jan 28 14:42:14 UTC 2012

$ gdmflexiserver -h
  gdmflexiserver [OPTION...] - New GDM login

Help Options:
  -h, --help                Show help options

Application Options:
  -c, --command=COMMAND     Only the VERSION command is supported
  -n, --xnest               Ignored — retained for compatibility
  -l, --no-lock             Ignored — retained for compatibility
  -d, --debug               Debugging output
  -a, --authenticate        Ignored — retained for compatibility
  -s, --startnew            Ignored — retained for compatibility
  --version                 Version of this application

'nuf said, it seems ?

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