Mrs Amina Saib aminasaib305 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 5 09:33:54 UTC 2012

Good Day.

With tears rolling down my eyes and

with total submission to the
will of God, I Choose this means to

communicate you because I am
sure I will get in contact with the right

person that will be
 honest to me. This mail might come to you as a

surprise and the
temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your

but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep

of humility.

I am Mrs.Amina Saib, I worked as a financial consultant and i

also the President/CEO of servicing company here in London

Kingdom. I was married for 32 years with no child and my

died 5years ago. Since my husband died, I decided not to re-marry

or adopt a child, this is basically my own decision to honor him
for the

love we shared and the life we lived for. Before this
happened my business

and love for making money was all I was
cared for and I never cared about

other people. But since my
 Husband died and also because I had no child to

call my own, I
have found a new desire to assist the helpless, I have

helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes/humanitarians. I

donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia,Austria,
 Germany and some

Asian countries.

IN SUMMARY: I have GBP.£9,000,000.00(Nine million

pounds sterling) which I deposited in a bank in London

Kingdom as a family treasure & artifiarts,I have been suffering

from oesophageal cancer for 3years now, though what disturbs me
most is

stroke. I want you to assist me in receiving the fund

and distributing the money to charity
Organizations, I agree to reward you

with part of the money for
 your Assistance, kindness and participation in

this Godly
project. Before I Became ill, I kept GBP.£ 9Million in a

term deposit in a security Company which I declared as a

treasure and artifiarts. I am in the Hospital now, where I have

been undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer and my doctors
have told

me yesterday that I have only a few weeks to die. It is
my last wish to see

this money distributed to charity

Remember that life itself

is a misery and nobody can tell what
 can be of it. Because my relatives

and friends have squandered so
much of my money since My illness, I cannot

live with the agony
of entrusting this huge responsibility to any to them.

Please, I
beg you in the name of God to Help me to receive the GBP.£9

Million which I deposited with the name of my late Husband as the
next of

kin. Because of my health situation, the bank has
required me to change my

next of kin so that the money will be
transferred to you, because my last

wish is to be accomplished,
 by Sharing the money among charity


You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the

and feel free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the

for any expenses in distributing the money to charity
 organizations. I am

willing to reward you for your assistance and

I promise you that

i will send you all the necessary documents
needed in claiming this money

from the bank.
Kindly contact me via E-mail at: aminasaib607 at yahoo.com for


May the good Lord bless you and your family !

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