Bug#686037: Updated da,es,fi,ko,pl,ro,vi debconf translations
David Prévot
taffit at debian.org
Fri Sep 7 01:35:39 UTC 2012
Control: severity -1 serious
Justification: Policy 3.9.1
> Is there any way you could update this (translations update are still
> granted unblock during the freeze),
The attach patch fix the translation issue (the other two available PO
files in xdm, el and tr, actually do not translate the common strings).
> and eventually consider an
> automatized way to update them in the future (or eventually not bringing
> this kind of error prone specificity, by simply copying the actual PO
> files).
Such a change may not worth fixing during the freeze, so tagging it
wheezy-ignore should be fair.
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