Bug#705080: libpango1.0-0: version conflict between i386 package and "all" arch package renders both un-updateable

Alex Vanderpol karashata at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 20:08:26 UTC 2013

Actually, this was an update from version 1.32.5-1, I had downgraded 
back to it after the issues I had with missing modules (which it turns 
out are built-in now) and the issue with i386 arch packages dependent on 
libpango1.0-0 not recognizing the "all" arch package on my amd64 system.

However, since the only arch that was updated to 1.32.5-4 was the i386 
arch, the amd64 arch packages were all still version 1.32.5-3, thus the 

I suppose I should have just waited, it appears the amd64 arch packages 
were just lagging behind the i386 arch packages, and had I been more 
patient, I would not have had this issue. I'm sorry for bothering you.

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