Log for attempted build of libgda5_5.0.3-2 on m68k (dist=unstable)

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sat Apr 20 12:26:49 UTC 2013


Wrong result for gda_data_handler_get_value_from_str ("65535-05-22 112256", GDA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP):
   exp: DD=22 MM=5 YYYY=65535 HH=11 MM=22 SS=56 FF=0 TZ=86400\n   got: DD=-1 MM=5 YYYY=22 HH=11 MM=22 SS=56 FF=0 TZ=86400\nFAILED: 1 tests failed
FAIL: test-input-parsers
1 of 7 tests failed

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