Bug#718399: gnome-terminal: auto-scrolling hangs sometimes
Matthieu Imbert
matthieu.imbert at ens-lyon.fr
Fri Aug 30 07:36:26 UTC 2013
I add some information:
I can also have another slightly similar behavior, which I think is
related to the same bug: sometimes a gnome-terminal tab just hangs.
It occurs in the same situation: *lots* of console output on the gnome
terminal tab, and switching from and to the gnome terminal window, with
either alt-tab or by switching desktop. Note that currently it happened
to me while following very verbose log outputs either directly in a
screen session, or following a log growing with less (and using F from
within less to follow the file in "real-time")
When the gnome-terminal tab hangs, I can still switch between tabs,
other tabs behave well, but I can't take back control of the faulty tab.
The difference with my previous description of the issue is that event
scrolling up or down with ctrl-shift-end or ctrl-shift-home doesn't
work. The only solution is to close the tab.
Note also that I used to look at verbose logs in the same manner before
the upgrade to version 3.8.3-1, and I never had this issue.
Matthieu Imbert <matthieu.imbert at ens-lyon.fr>
INRIA research engineer / SED / GRAAL and RESO teams
http://www.inria.fr http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP
Room GN1 Nord 3.58
LIP ENS-Lyon, 46 allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon cedex 07, FRANCE
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