Bug#682071: nautilus: Built-in search does not work for non-indexed directories when tracker is enabled

Ivan Baldo ibaldo at adinet.com.uy
Sat Dec 7 23:07:37 UTC 2013

     So, Tracker comes with some defaults of places to index, but when 
doing a search with CTRL+F in Nautilus in a place outside that index is 
currently _very_ broken, because it doesn't show results but also 
doesn't tell the user why it isn't returning results and not using any 
fall-back whatsoever...
     I hope newer Nautilus has this sorted somehow but if a backport of 
the fixes isn't easy, then, in my opinion (for whats is worth...), the 
best thing for users is to recompile Nautilus without Tracker support.
     I did this for my friend but its not good to make every user go 
through that trouble, no drawbacks found yet; indexing everything was 
not possible, too much files, slow wifi network...
     The trouble wasn't recompiling but actually figuring out what was 
going on, that took a lot of time...
     So please, give this bug the importance that it deserves and take 
some reasonable measure.
     My fingers are crossed...
     Thanks a lot for reading!

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