Bug#687491: Bug#696720: nautilus: Pressing delete should delete a file or folder.

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Fri Jan 18 11:19:54 UTC 2013

     Dear Zack,

* Zack <z.dowson at gmail.com> [2012-12-26 13:48:05 CET]:
> When I have selected a file or folder, and I press the delete button, it would
> be most intuitive if the file was then moved to the wastbasket. This would
> allow faster use of nautilus, as it is much faster than using a menu, or even
> ctrl-delete. Since it is so easy to undo moving a file to the waste, there
> would not be a serious risk of people losing data by accidentally pressing
> delete.

 Thanks for your report.  This change from delete to ctrl-delete was
done intentionly by gnome upstream -- see this commit:

 There though is the possibility to change the key binding from ctrl-del
to del, if you open up dconf-editor, go to org -> gnome -> desktop ->
interface and hit the checkbox on "can-change-accels", then open the
edit menu in nautilus, hover the delete entry, and press del twice (once
for deleting the keybinding, once for assigning del as keybinding).

 This works for me flawlessly.  I know this isn't intuitive, but I fear
that the packagers in Debian won't divert from upstream behavior (not my
call), so this workaround might be your best option, at least for now.

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