Bug#696312: evince: print PDF ends in segfault and no printing

Steven Chamberlain steven at pyro.eu.org
Mon Jan 28 15:01:15 UTC 2013

# Match tags with merge target
reassign 696312 libcairo2
found 696312 1.12.2-2
severity 696312 important
tags 696312 = fixed-upstream patch
merge 672336 696312
# Additional info
found 696312 1.12.2-2.1
affects 696312 + evince
#fixed 696312 1.12.2-2+deb7u2 (UNRELEASED)

Hi Michael,

I'm quite sure bug #696312 is a duplicate of #672336, #680277, #682673
and #687783 (and is perhaps related to embedded fonts).  This is
definitely separate from #690799 (polygon intersection).

I first hit this problem using 1.12.2-2 printing a completely new PDF
from evince (my tax return!).  A gdb backtrace is attached, and it
matches this one.

First I tried Neil's libcairo2, libcairo-gobject2 1.12.2-2.1 packages
from sid, but with no change.

Then I tried the libcairo2, libcairo-gobject2 1.12.2-2+deb7u2  packages,
and it successfully printed.  Vytautas, you may like to try these too:


Thank you!
Steven Chamberlain
steven at pyro.eu.org
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