Fwd: Re: Re: debian packaging for meld

Boruch Baum boruch_baum at gmx.com
Wed Jan 30 15:47:22 UTC 2013

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Hi y'all,

To summarize the e-mail transcript below, I expressed an interest to
Ross Burton in a debian package for the newest version of meld, he
hinted that I should package it myself, I did (and sent him my work),
and I volunteered to help the debian gnome packaging team with other
work, and he suggested I contact you directly.

Would you like me to send you my packaging? YES, it IS based upon a
checkout of

See below for a summary of my changes.


- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Re: debian packaging for meld
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 15:26:34 +0000
From: Ross Burton <ross at burtonini.com>
To: Boruch Baum <boruch_baum at gmx.com>

Hi Boruch,

Sorry, email overload as usual.  As I said I'm not really a Debian
developer these days (only in name).  I believe Meld is co-maintained
by the GNOME Packaging Team so you should contact them.  This also
means that the canonical location for the packaging will be in the
pkg-gnome repository somewhere on Alioth.


On 01/27/2013 11:30 PM, Boruch Baum wrote:
> On 01/17/2013 12:12 PM, Ross Burton wrote:
>> I'm not really a Debian maintain these days, so you're welcome to
>> work on meld :)
> OK!
> Before making that commitment, I looked at the work-load history, 
> and took some time to be sure it wouldn't be a problem for me.
> And then I went ahead and did the packaging for v1.7.0, attached.
> If it seems to you that I did a good/competent job, I'd be happy to
> take it on.
> Some considerations: 1] I'm not yet otherwise a debian maintainer, 
> so at the very least I'll need a sponsor in order to upload. 2]
> I'm also beginning to take over the 'debianiaztion' of another
> package, a library that I develop, and that is also already in
> debian. 3] I could probably handle other packaging tasks, and do
> want to contribute to debian. 4] lintian was suspicously silent
> and accepting about the build, especially since I noticed that the 
> debian/copyright file is in the old format. 5] Two debian members 
> are signed on my gpg key; a third has promised to sign; and 
> references are available on request.
> A summary of my changes: * debian/control.in: - Standards-Version 
> is 3.9.4, no changes needed. - debhelper updated to 9 * 
> debian/compat - updated from 5 to 9 * upstream changelog created - 
> per lintian warning - quilt patch upstream_changelog.patch -
> points to upstream NEWS file * debian/rules - code hardening - not 
> required because code is pure python - add inclusion of 
> dpkg-buildflags * remove hidden files and folders - .gitignore - 
> .svn
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