Bug#611303: system-config-printer' This bug hurts.

ISHIKAWA,chiaki ishikawa at yk.rim.or.jp
Mon Jul 1 16:05:23 UTC 2013

I take exception to the closing of this bug, and
the severity wishlist.

In order to use a Windows-only printer (inexpensive kind you often find, or even an expensive one but that does not have
linux driver!), we need to attach this to a window PC and makes it available via Samba.

Such needs arose yesterday at the office and it took me more than a couple of hours why
system-config-printer could not find the publicized samba printer on
the latest Debian distribution while other linux distribution seemed not suffer from this problem.
(I searched for people with similar bad experience, but all I could find casually was the suceess stories
from ubuntu, centos, etc.)

So I think this bug should be deemed severity NORMAL, and
python-smbc OUGHT to be depended upon and should be installed when
system-config-printer is installed (which is the default case, I think, if you install the desktop by default).


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