Bug#714920: ekiga: slow startup

mazzeppanell mazzeppanell at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 18:13:28 UTC 2013

Ok, an analysis with Wireshark shows no evident connection between 
network data and ekiga slowdown: i don't get any particular packet at 
"25th minute", nor at the "10th minute". There is immediately a quick 
and little burst of 7 packets when the application starts, 2 DNS (a 
query and an answer for stun.ekiga.net), and 5 CLASSIC-STUN (Binding 
Request and Binding Response, in order Req-Req-Resp-Req-Resp).
As said this happens at the very beginning of the startup, in about 0.1 
seconds, and nothing else is being exchanged in the remaining time, 
untill the GUI spawns.
Can you confirm this is a normal behaviour?

Some suspect messages i could find are:

0:00.092	                       	HalManager_dbus	Populating full device 
list failed - The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any 
.service files

0:26.741	Opal Liste...0xadc70b40	Listen	UDP read error.

0:59.285	Opal Liste...0xadc70b40	Listen	UDP read error.

But the first happens too early, the second when the main window has 
already been showed, and the last when i close Ekiga.
Anyways i want to point out that program seems to work, tryed echo 
testing and was ok (though not the best quality)... the issue is just 
startup time.

I'm wondering if this is just an issue of my system or someone has 
experienced tha same.
I hope this has been useful.

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