Bug#725622: ekiga: Segmentation fault while starting ekiga
Tino Schmidt
mailtinoshomepage at gmx.net
Sun Oct 6 21:31:19 UTC 2013
Package: ekiga
Version: 3.2.7-6
Severity: important
Sometimes I get a segmentation fault when I try to start ekiga. When I click on the ekiga icon nothing happens. In a terminal I got more information when I entered
$ ekiga -d 4 2>&1
2013/10/06 22:55:33.696 0:00.077 Version 3.2.7 by on Unix Linux (3.2.0-4-amd64-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.10.4 (svn:26606)) at 2013/10/6 22:55:33.695
2013/10/06 22:55:33.696 0:00.077 Ekiga git revision: unknown
2013/10/06 22:55:33.698 0:00.079 Ekiga registered on D-Bus: org.ekiga.Ekiga
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.081 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 11 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.081 PTLib No permission to set priority level 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.081 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 2
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.081 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 16 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.081 PTLib No permission to set priority level 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.082 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 3
2013/10/06 22:55:33.700 0:00.082 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 18 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.701 0:00.083 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 20 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.702 0:00.083 PTLib No permission to set priority level 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.702 0:00.084 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.702 0:00.084 HalManager_dbus Initialising HAL Manager
2013/10/06 22:55:33.704 0:00.085 HalManager_dbus Populating device list
2013/10/06 22:55:33.704 0:00.086 HalManager_dbus Populating full device list failed - The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
2013/10/06 22:55:33.704 0:00.086 HalManager_dbus Populating interface list
2013/10/06 22:55:33.705 0:00.086 HalManager_dbus Populating full interface list failed - Method "getDevices" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" doesn't exist
2013/10/06 22:55:33.705 0:00.086 Detecting V4L2 devices
2013/10/06 22:55:33.705 0:00.086 PV4L2Plugin detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2013/10/06 22:55:33.711 0:00.093 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 25 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.712 0:00.093 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 5
2013/10/06 22:55:33.712 0:00.093 OpalMan Created manager.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.712 0:00.093 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix pc
2013/10/06 22:55:33.712 0:00.093 OpalEP Created endpoint: pc
2013/10/06 22:55:33.712 0:00.093 LocalEP Created endpoint.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.739 0:00.120 PCSS Created PC sound system endpoint.
HDA Intel
ptlib pulse plugin
HDA Intel
ptlib pulse plugin
2013/10/06 22:55:33.739 0:00.120 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder()
2013/10/06 22:55:33.739 0:00.120 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask()
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.121 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sip
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.121 OpalEP Created endpoint: sip
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.121 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 26 PUDPSocket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.122 IfaceMon Initial interface list: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-1C-25-9B-DF-2A> (eth0)
fe80::21c:25ff:fe9b:df2a <00-1C-25-9B-DF-2A> (eth0)
::1 <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo)
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.122 PTLIB Opened NetLink socket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.740 0:00.122 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 30 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.122 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 6
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.122 Network In...0x70067700 IfaceMon Started interface monitor thread.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.122 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 32 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.122 PTLib No permission to set priority level 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.122 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 7
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.123 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix sips
2013/10/06 22:55:33.741 0:00.123 SIP Created endpoint.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 33 PUDPSocket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 MonSock Created socket bundle for all interfaces.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 34 PUDPSocket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 MonSock Created bundled UDP socket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 35 PUDPSocket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 MonSock Could not listen on fe80::21c:25ff:fe9b:df2a:5062 - Invalid argument
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 36 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.123 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 8
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.124 PTLib No permission to set priority level 4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.124 Opal Liste...0x6bfbe700 Listen Started listening thread on udp$*:5062
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.124 OpalMan Added route "sip:.*=pc:*"
2013/10/06 22:55:33.742 0:00.124 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=sip:<da>"
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 OpalEP Created endpoint: h323
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 OpalMan Attached endpoint with prefix h323s
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 H323 Created endpoint.
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 37 PTCPSocket
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 39 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.124 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 9
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.125 OpalMan Added route "h323:.*=pc:<db>"
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.125 Opal Liste...0x6bf7d700 Listen Started listening thread on tcp$*:1720
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.125 OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=h323:<da>"
2013/10/06 22:55:33.743 0:00.125 Opal Liste...0x6bf7d700 Listen Waiting on socket accept on tcp$*:1720
2013/10/06 22:55:33.759 0:00.141 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,G.711-ALaw-64k,G.711-uLaw-64k,GSM-06.10,SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,SILK-8,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF,theora,H.263P,MPEG4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.760 0:00.141 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,T.38,TIFF-File,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,H.263,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling)
2013/10/06 22:55:33.760 0:00.141 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,G.711-ALaw-64k,G.711-uLaw-64k,GSM-06.10,SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,SILK-8,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF,theora,H.263P,MPEG4)
2013/10/06 22:55:33.774 0:00.155 MediaFormat Removing codecs SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,G.711-ALaw-64k,G.711-uLaw-64k,GSM-06.10,SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,SILK-8,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF,theora,H.263P,MPEG4
2013/10/06 22:55:33.774 0:00.156 OPAL SetMediaFormatMask(PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,G.722-64k,PCM-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,T.38,TIFF-File,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,H.263,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling)
2013/10/06 22:55:33.774 0:00.156 OPAL SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,G.711-ALaw-64k,G.711-uLaw-64k,GSM-06.10,SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,SILK-8,H.261,H.261-CIF,H.261-QCIF,theora,H.263P,MPEG4)
2013/10/06 22:55:33.791 0:00.173 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 41 Thread unblock pipe
2013/10/06 22:55:33.791 0:00.173 PTLib Thread high water mark set: 10
2013/10/06 22:55:33.792 0:00.173 StunDetector:0x6bf3c700 PWLib File handle high water mark set: 43 PUDPSocket
Segmentation fault
I use modified port settings:
tcp_port_range = 30000:30010
udp_port_range = 5063-5070
listen_port = 5062
The segmentation fault occurs only sometimes. In approx. four out of five tries to start the program it doesn't work. I use my computer in a campus network that has temporary connection issues.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 7.1
APT prefers stable-updates
APT policy: (500, 'stable-updates'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Versions of packages ekiga depends on:
ii evolution-data-server 3.4.4-3
ii gconf-service 3.2.5-1+build1
ii gconf2 3.2.5-1+build1
ii libatk1.0-0 2.4.0-2
ii libavahi-client3 0.6.31-2
ii libavahi-common3 0.6.31-2
ii libavahi-glib1 0.6.31-2
ii libc6 2.13-38
ii libdbus-glib-1-2 0.100.2-1
ii libebook-1.2-13 3.4.4-3
ii libedataserver-1.2-16 3.4.4-3
ii libgcc1 1:4.7.2-5
ii libgconf-2-4 3.2.5-1+build1
ii libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 2.26.1-1
ii libglib2.0-0 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5
ii libgtk2.0-0 2.24.10-2
ii libldap-2.4-2 2.4.31-1+nmu2
ii libnotify4 0.7.5-1
ii libopal3.10.4 3.10.4~dfsg-3
ii libpango1.0-0 1.30.0-1
ii libpt2.10.4 2.10.4~dfsg-1
ii libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-6+deb7u1
ii libsigc++-2.0-0c2a 2.2.10-0.2
ii libstdc++6 4.7.2-5
ii libx11-6 2:1.5.0-1+deb7u1
ii libxext6 2:1.3.1-2+deb7u1
ii libxml2 2.8.0+dfsg1-7+nmu1
ii libxv1 2:1.0.7-1+deb7u1
Versions of packages ekiga recommends:
ii gvfs 1.12.3-4
ii yelp 3.4.2-1+b1
Versions of packages ekiga suggests:
pn asterisk <none>
pn gnugk <none>
pn mediaproxy <none>
pn rtpproxy <none>
pn ser <none>
pn siproxd <none>
pn yate <none>
-- debconf-show failed
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