Bug#689398: icedove window appears while screen is locked

Jonathan McDowell noodles at earth.li
Fri Oct 18 17:37:09 UTC 2013

I think this is the same issue; it certainly seems very similar. When I
lock my screen I will often come back to find that icedove is visible
(but not accepting mouse or keyboard input) even though the rest of the
desktop is correctly hidden. I can't quite remember when this started
happening - probably a few months ago. I'm running jessie on AMD64 and
like the original submitter I have 2 monitors with dynamic workspaces
disabled, but workspaces on both monitors not just the primary.

Is there any additional information I can collect that might help with a
resolution? I'm not seeing this on other machines that I'm not running
icedove on.

gnome-screensaver  3.4.1-1+b1
icedove            17.0.9-2


] http://www.earth.li/~noodles/ []  "Just because I'll spend 4 hours   [
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