grace sam gracesam294 at outlook.com
Sun Aug 10 20:52:08 UTC 2014

gracesam294 at outlook.com
My name is grace ,i am 25 years old,am simple minded person,easy
 really want a man who will care and love me,a man who will always tell 
me the truth from his heart,a man who will be my brother, my best 
friends and if the nature permit it,he will be my husband,But if 
marriage is out of it, I will not mind but as long we got along together
 with real love I will definitely be satisfied.

I read your 
profile now and i develop interest, which i want to start a relationship
 with you,please contact me with my private email address 
(gracesam294 at outlook.com) so that i will send you my pictures and can 
tell you more about myself,and we can start from there and not only that
 i have something important to tell you.
Thanks and i await your reply
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