Bug#757852: Small fix in Orca packaging

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe texou at accelibreinfo.eu
Wed Aug 13 23:39:36 UTC 2014


In order to make gnome-orca speak the windows titles and the workspace 
numbers (cf. reported bug) on MATE desktop, could the gnome-orca 
maintainers add to the setting up rules of the package this command?
ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/scripts/apps/metacity/ 

Indeed, Orca only knows Metacity which is named Marco on MATE, but it's 
the same thing. So, pointing Marco to Metacity scripts enables orca to 
work properly.



Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

accelibreinfo, votre partenaire en informatique adaptée aux déficients visuels

Mail: texou at accelibreinfo.eu

Site Web: http://www.accelibreinfo.eu

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