Bug#648240: Cause and workaround

Joachim Fahrner jf at fahrner.name
Fri Aug 22 06:33:39 UTC 2014

I found the cause and a workaround for this bug.
The cause is, that blanking the display and switching off backlight is
done through 2 separate processes: gnome-screensaver blanks the display
and gnome-powermanager switches backlight off. These two are in conflict
when happening at the same time.
One workaround is to set the "backlight off" timeout higher than the
"lock" timeout.
Another workaround is the following script running in background, which
monitors dbus messages from screensaver and switches backlight off when
screensaver is activated.

function activated ()
xset dpms force off

function deactivated ()

dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver'"
  ( while read X; do
case "$X" in
"boolean true")
"boolean false")

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