Upload and Orca

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe mengualjeanphi at free.fr
Sun Aug 24 22:40:39 UTC 2014


Joanie provided 3 important patches for Orca 3.12, which are all the 
more useful since Debian would not upload gnome 3.14 due to delay 
problems. These fixes, indeed, are not really related to gnome itself, 
but to Orca itself, in its working with other desktops or other apps.

Because while Orca is related to gnome, noawadays, it is cross-desktop, 
i.e. it can make other DE accessible such as LXDE or MATE.

Aware of the work to package GNOME, the schedule for freeze, the 
importance of the Joanie's patches in 3.12 (2 for libreoffice in 
testing, 1 for MATE), I propose to help the gnome-orca maintainers. 
Could you add debian-a11y ML to maintainers and Samuel Thibault as 
uploader (it seems agree). Doing this, as member of debian-a11y, I'll be 
able to propose applying the patches and updating Orca 3.12, then Samuel 
can upload and we can test quickly if they don't run anything in another 
place, and if they fix in Debian context. All that without increasing 
your work related to grobal GNOME.

Do you agree? Do you prefer to apply patch and change these 2 fields 
before uploading, or change fields and let us deal with these 3 patches?




Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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