Bug#734359: [gnome] Background is not shown in Gnome flashback
Boross Péter
borosspet at invitel.hu
Mon Jan 6 10:56:31 UTC 2014
Package: gnome
Version: 1:3.8+4
Severity: minor
--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
I use Debian64 (cleanly installed as Debian Jessie testing and updated
continuously) in Oracle VirtualBox. The background chosen in the
gnome-settings can be seen in gnome and in gnome classic, but cannot be
seen in gnome-flashback (only black background).
I have an another PC using also Debian testing Jessie (this PC is not
virtualised and 32 bit only, and OS was upgaded several times: Squeeze
testing -> Squeeze final -> Wheezy testing -> Wheezy final -> Jessie
testing), but on this PC the background image can be seen also in
--- System information. ---
Architecture: amd64
Kernel: Linux 3.11-2-amd64
Debian Release: jessie/sid
500 testing-updates ftp.hu.debian.org
500 testing security.debian.org
500 testing ftp.hu.debian.org
100 jessie-backports ftp.hu.debian.org
--- Package information. ---
Depends (Version) | Installed
gnome-core (= 1:3.8+4) | 1:3.8+4
desktop-base | 7.0.3
network-manager-gnome (>= 0.9.4) |
aisleriot (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.10.1-1
cheese (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1sid1
evolution (>= 3.8) | 3.8.5-2+b1
evolution-plugins (>= 3.8) | 3.8.5-2+b1
file-roller (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-1
gedit (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-4
gnome-color-manager (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-1+b2
gnome-documents (>= 0.4) | 3.8.4-1+b1
gnome-games (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.8+4
gnome-nettool (>= 3.2) | 3.8.1-1
nautilus-sendto (>= 3.0) | 3.6.1-2
gnome-orca (>= 3.4) | 3.4.2-2
rygel-preferences (>= 0.14) | 0.20.1-1
seahorse (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-1
totem (>= 3.0) | 3.8.2-3
vinagre (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-1
alacarte (>= 0.13.4) | 3.10.0-1
avahi-daemon | 0.6.31-4
gimp (>= 2.8) | 2.8.6-1
gnome-media (>= 3.4) | 3.4.0-1
gnome-tweak-tool (>= 3.4) | 3.8.1-2
hamster-applet (>= 2.91.3) | 2.91.3+git20120514.b9fec3e1-1
inkscape (>= 0.48) | 0.48.4-3
libreoffice-gnome | 1:4.1.4-2
libreoffice-writer | 1:4.1.4-2
OR abiword (>= 2.8) |
libreoffice-calc | 1:4.1.4-2
OR gnumeric (>= 1.10) |
libreoffice-impress | 1:4.1.4-2
rhythmbox (>= 2.96) | 3.0.1-1+b1
shotwell | 0.14.1-3
simple-scan | 3.10.0-1
sound-juicer (>= 3.4) | 3.4.0-3
tomboy (>= 1.10) | 1.14.1-2
OR gnote |
tracker-gui | 0.16.2-1+b1
transmission-gtk | 2.81-1
xdg-user-dirs-gtk | 0.10-1
cups-pk-helper (>= 0.2) | 0.2.5-1
gedit-plugins (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-2
gnome-applets (>= 3.4) | 3.4.1-4
gnome-shell-extensions (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-2
gstreamer1.0-libav (>= 0.10.13) | 1.2.2-1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly (>= 0.10.19) | 1.2.2-1
rhythmbox-plugins | 3.0.1-1+b1
rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder | 3.0.1-1+b1
rygel-playbin | 0.20.1-1
rygel-tracker |
OR rygel | 0.20.1-1
telepathy-gabble | 0.18.1-1
telepathy-rakia | 0.8.0-1
telepathy-salut | 0.8.1-1
totem-plugins | 3.8.2-3
xul-ext-adblock-plus | 2.4+dfsg-1
libgtk2-perl (>= 1:1.130) | 2:1.248-1
gnome-core (= 1:3.8+4) | 1:3.8+4
desktop-base | 7.0.3
network-manager-gnome (>= 0.9.4) |
aisleriot (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.10.1-1
cheese (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1sid1
evolution (>= 3.8) | 3.8.5-2+b1
evolution-plugins (>= 3.8) | 3.8.5-2+b1
file-roller (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-1
gedit (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-4
gnome-color-manager (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-1+b2
gnome-documents (>= 0.4) | 3.8.4-1+b1
gnome-games (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.8+4
gnome-nettool (>= 3.2) | 3.8.1-1
nautilus-sendto (>= 3.0) | 3.6.1-2
gnome-orca (>= 3.4) | 3.4.2-2
rygel-preferences (>= 0.14) | 0.20.1-1
seahorse (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-1
totem (>= 3.0) | 3.8.2-3
vinagre (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-1
alacarte (>= 0.13.4) | 3.10.0-1
avahi-daemon | 0.6.31-4
gimp (>= 2.8) | 2.8.6-1
gnome-media (>= 3.4) | 3.4.0-1
gnome-tweak-tool (>= 3.4) | 3.8.1-2
hamster-applet (>= 2.91.3) | 2.91.3+git20120514.b9fec3e1-1
inkscape (>= 0.48) | 0.48.4-3
libreoffice-gnome | 1:4.1.4-2
libreoffice-writer | 1:4.1.4-2
OR abiword (>= 2.8) |
libreoffice-calc | 1:4.1.4-2
OR gnumeric (>= 1.10) |
libreoffice-impress | 1:4.1.4-2
rhythmbox (>= 2.96) | 3.0.1-1+b1
shotwell | 0.14.1-3
simple-scan | 3.10.0-1
sound-juicer (>= 3.4) | 3.4.0-3
tomboy (>= 1.10) | 1.14.1-2
OR gnote |
tracker-gui | 0.16.2-1+b1
transmission-gtk | 2.81-1
xdg-user-dirs-gtk | 0.10-1
cups-pk-helper (>= 0.2) | 0.2.5-1
gedit-plugins (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-2
gnome-applets (>= 3.4) | 3.4.1-4
gnome-shell-extensions (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-2
gstreamer1.0-libav (>= 0.10.13) | 1.2.2-1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly (>= 0.10.19) | 1.2.2-1
rhythmbox-plugins | 3.0.1-1+b1
rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder | 3.0.1-1+b1
rygel-playbin | 0.20.1-1
rygel-tracker |
OR rygel | 0.20.1-1
telepathy-gabble | 0.18.1-1
telepathy-rakia | 0.8.0-1
telepathy-salut | 0.8.1-1
totem-plugins | 3.8.2-3
xul-ext-adblock-plus | 2.4+dfsg-1
libgtk2-perl (>= 1:1.130) | 2:1.248-1
libatk-adaptor (>= 2.4) | 2.10.2-1
at-spi2-core (>= 2.4) | 2.10.2-1
baobab (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-1
brasero (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-2
caribou (>= 0.4.2) | 0.4.12-1
caribou-antler (>= 0.4.2) | 0.4.12-1
libcaribou-gtk-module (>= 0.4.2) | 0.4.12-1
libcaribou-gtk3-module (>= 0.4.2) | 0.4.12-1
dconf-gsettings-backend (>= 0.12) | 0.18.0-1
dconf-tools (>= 0.12) | 0.18.0-1
empathy (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-3
eog (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
evince (>= 3.4) | 3.10.0-1+b1
evolution-data-server (>= 3.8) | 3.8.5-3
fonts-cantarell (>= 0.0.8) | 0.0.15-1
sound-theme-freedesktop | 0.8-1
gnome-calculator (>= 3.8) | 3.10.2-1
gconf2 (>= 3.2.5) | 3.2.6-1
gdm3 (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-6
glib-networking (>= 2.32) | 2.36.1-2+b1
gnome-backgrounds (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
gnome-bluetooth (>= 3.4) | 3.8.1-2
gnome-contacts (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-1+b1
gnome-control-center (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.8.3-4
gnome-dictionary (>= 3.4) | 3.10.0-1
gnome-disk-utility (>= 3.0) | 3.10.0-1
gnome-font-viewer (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-1+b1
gnome-icon-theme (>= 3.4) | 3.10.0-1
gnome-icon-theme-extras (>= 3.4) | 3.6.2-3
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
gnome-keyring (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-2
libpam-gnome-keyring (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-2
gnome-menus (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-2
gnome-online-accounts (>= 3.4) | 3.8.3-2
gnome-packagekit (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
gnome-panel (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-1
gnome-power-manager (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-1
gnome-screensaver (>= 3.4) | 3.6.1-1
gnome-screenshot (>= 3.4) | 3.10.0-1
gnome-session (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-3
gnome-settings-daemon (>= 3.4) | 3.8.5-2
gnome-shell (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-5
gnome-system-log (>= 3.4) | 3.8.1-1
gnome-system-monitor (>= 3.4) |
gnome-terminal (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
gnome-themes-standard (>= 3.4) | 3.8.4-1
gnome-user-guide (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-1
gnome-user-share (>= 3.0) | 3.8.3-1
tracker-gui | 0.16.2-1+b1
OR gnome-search-tool |
gsettings-desktop-schemas (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-2
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base (>= 0.10.36) | 1.2.2-1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good (>= 0.10.31) | 1.2.1-1
gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio (>= 0.10.31) | 1.2.1-1
libgtk-3-common (>= 3.4) | 3.8.6-1
gtk2-engines (>= 2.20.2) | 1:2.20.2-3
gucharmap (>= 1:3.4) | 1:3.8.2-3
gvfs-backends (>= 1.12) | 1.16.3-1+b2
gvfs-bin (>= 1.12) | 1.16.3-1+b2
iceweasel (>= 10) | 17.0.10esr-1~deb7u1
libcanberra-pulse | 0.30-2
gkbd-capplet (>= 3.4) | 3.6.0-1
metacity (>= 1:2.34) | 1:2.34.13-1
mousetweaks (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-1
nautilus (>= 3.4) | 3.8.2-2
notification-daemon (>= 0.7.4) | 0.7.6-1
policykit-1-gnome (>= 0.105) | 0.105-2
pulseaudio | 4.0-6+b1
gnome-sushi (>= 0.4) | 3.8.1-1
vino (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
yelp (>= 3.4) | 3.10.1-1
zenity (>= 3.4) | 3.8.0-1
Recommends (Version) | Installed
browser-plugin-gnash | 0.8.11~git20130903-3
gdebi | 0.9.2
nautilus-sendto-empathy | 3.8.4-3
telepathy-idle | 0.1.16-1
browser-plugin-gnash | 0.8.11~git20130903-3
gdebi | 0.9.2
nautilus-sendto-empathy | 3.8.4-3
telepathy-idle | 0.1.16-1
network-manager-gnome |
Suggests (Version) | Installed
dia-gnome |
gnome-boxes |
gnucash |
libreoffice-evolution | 1:4.1.4-2
planner |
iceweasel-l10n-all |
xul-ext-gnome-keyring |
dia-gnome |
gnome-boxes |
gnucash |
libreoffice-evolution | 1:4.1.4-2
planner |
iceweasel-l10n-all |
xul-ext-gnome-keyring |
gnome | 1:3.8+4
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to the mail. I'd do it myself if the output wasn't too long to handle.
Thank you!
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