Patch for libvte9

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Thu Jan 9 08:30:19 UTC 2014

On 08/01/14 20:22, aurel wrote:
> Hello.
> Please accept my patch to libvte9. It exposes some selection api to allow
> applications to control it with keyboard.
> I have written another patch for xfce4-terminal to use this api.
> It's a very convenient feature.

Several things:

Patches / bug reports should be submitted to the bug tracking system, not the list.

We're not going to apply a patch that adds new API unless absolutely required:
that is not the case here. If you want this in Debian, you should get it merged
upstream first.

You're working on libvte9 which is long deprecated in favour of libvte-2.90-9
(vte 0.34.x). If we were to accept something like this, it'd be for the latter only.


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