Initial packaging for Polari

Brandon Snider brandonsnider at
Sat Mar 1 15:55:39 UTC 2014

Hi. Thanks for the input.

I have made the changes to the packaging that you requested. The
dh_girepository command worked, but the appropriate line wasn't in
control. Also, new connections happen in -- what's it called, the
"application menu"? -- the menu that sits in the top bar. Click that >
"connections". Git is a bit further along than the most recent
tarball, but it's not a world of difference at this point.

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu at> wrote:
> Hi Brandon,
> I have finally looked at polari. Thanks for your work on it! The package looks
> fairly good. I just have a few comments.
> * desktop-file-validate works just fine here, we have 0.22 which knows about the
> new keys. Perhaps you're on an Ubuntu release with an older desktop-file-utils?
> * Files in src/lib/* are LGPL, this needs to be documented in debian/copyright.
> Also remove the comments at the end of debian/copyright.
> * You probably want a dependency on telepathy-idle.
> * We wrap dependency fields in debian/control, one package per line. Makes it
> easier to review changes.
> * The dh_girepository command doesn't seem to be working, as the resulting .deb
> doesn't depend on the appropriate gir1.2-* packages (glib, gtk+, telepathy...).
> On 18/02/14 18:32, Brandon Snider wrote:
>> I made an effort to package Polari, the new Gnome IRC app, which is
>> rough at this point but still has 2 officially released tarballs. The
>> packaging follows gnome-documents very closely. The two apps have a
>> very similar list of installed files and whatnot. Since there are no
>> reverse dependencies, everything is installed to one package. I also
>> enabled a -dbg package.
>> Debian packaging attached.
>> Here's the current state of the app:
>> * There's no built-in list of servers. They have to be manually added.
> How do I add a connection? Through gnome-online-accounts ? Maybe polari should
> include a button to do that, right now the '+' button has 'Join a room' and
> 'Message a user', both greyed out (as I'm not connected to a server). Perhaps
> this and other stuff has been solved in git. The latest snapshot is pretty old
> by now.
> Regards,
> Emilio
>> * Autocomplete works.
>> * Private messaging pings the Gnome messaging system.
>> * If the userlist is active, there's no scrollbar in the message area.
>> * There are no visible configuration options.
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