Bug#740979: feedback on your nautilus search crash bug report

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Fri Mar 7 14:47:09 UTC 2014

Hello Martin Dosch.

Thanks for your bug report and the backtrace to go with it!

While it included some very nice details, I'd like to ask for
some more that might help figure out the exact reason for your crash.

You gathered a backtrace from SIGTRAP which happened when a
error log message about a missing schema was detected.
This might, or might not, be the cause of the actual crash.
To make sure, could you reproduce the problem same way as before
and after you gather the backtrace of the SIGTRAP, type "c"
to continue execution.... gather a backtrace every time
gdb stops at a signal until the process is no longer running
at all (and you can't "c(ontinue)" anymore).

We're working our way towards getting gnome 3.12 into debian,
and hopefully the problem will dissapear when we have everything
updated but it'll take some time still before we can get it in....

Andreas Henriksson

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