Bug#682935: #682935 - x86-32: segfault on startup

Martin-Éric Racine martin-eric.racine at iki.fi
Tue May 6 15:59:20 UTC 2014

The configuration options in 3.8.3-5 (testing) are completely
different from those in 3.4.x, so I'm unable to verify whether this is
fixed or not in newer releases.

However, the main point here is that g-c-c in stable is extremely
UNstable; it crashes on a wide variety of platforms, and not just when
changing mouse/touchpad settings.


2014-05-06 18:05 GMT+03:00 althaser <althaser at gmail.com>:
> Hey,
> Could you please still reproduce this issue with newer gnome-settings-daemon
> version like 3.8.5-2 ?
> cheers,
> althaser

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