Bug#768519: nautilus does not start from dash when it handles the desktop

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Tue Nov 11 14:33:11 UTC 2014

Hello Johan Kröckel!

I'm pretty confident the reason nautilus "doesn't start" when handling
the desktop is because it's already running.

As your videos demonstrates the dash tries to get you back to the
instance you're already running (on another workspace?) rather then
start yet another process.

In the case you're running nautilus to handle your desktop you get
brough back to it when you try to start nautilus again
(as a file browser).

Basically, nautilus handling the desktop was not designed for
GNOME 3.x. You're running an unsupported setup so you get to keep
both pieces (and if you manage to glue them back together, feel
free to share a patch).

What you probably want to accomplish is to split the "manage desktop"
part out of nautilus to make it two separate programs.

Andreas Henriksson

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