Bug#766732: Caught in the act...

Brian Drummond brian at shapes.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 18 14:49:49 UTC 2014

Backtrace from the relevant thread in gvfsd-dav...

I hope this is helpful. If any further info is required I will endeavour
to provide it, given adequate instructions. (In particular, how would I
make gdb display the "<optimized out>" bits?

- Brian

Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f5926572700 (LWP 3882)):
#0  0x00007f592fa8daca in strlen () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x000000000040bb0c in path_equal (a=a at entry=0x7f5914051960
"/Music/Various Artists/100% Dance Hits/", b=<optimized out>, relax=1)
at gvfsbackenddav.c:244
        res = <optimized out>
        a_len = <optimized out>
        b_len = <optimized out>
        ua = 0x0
        ub = 0x7f5914054910 "/Music/Various Artists/"
#2  0x000000000040c4d9 in path_equal (relax=1, b=<optimized out>,
a=0x7f5914051960 "/Music/Various Artists/100% Dance Hits/") at
No locals.
#3  multistatus_get_response (resp_iter=resp_iter at entry=0x7f5926571d80,
response=response at entry=0x7f5926571d60) at gvfsbackenddav.c:829
        iter = <optimized out>
        href = <optimized out>
        propstat = 0x7f5914062790
        uri = 0x7f5914002e80
        path = 0x7f5914051960 "/Music/Various Artists/100% Dance Hits/"
#4  0x000000000040dc86 in do_enumerate (backend=<optimized out>,
job=0x2562990, filename=<optimized out>, matcher=<optimized out>,
flags=<optimized out>)
    at gvfsbackenddav.c:2185
        response = {multistatus = 0x7f5926571d40, path = 0x7f5914051960
"/Music/Various Artists/100% Dance Hits/", is_target = 0, first_propstat
= 0x7f5914061a30}
        info = <optimized out>
        msg = 0x7f592000a8d0
        ms = {doc = 0x7f5914286330, root = 0x7f5914269b00, target =
0x7f5914002c40, path = 0x7f5914286730 "/Music/Various Artists/"}
        iter = {cur_node = 0x7f59140624a0, next_node = 0x7f5914063200,
name = 0x412340 "response", ns_href = 0x412381 "DAV:", user_data =
        res = <optimized out>
        error = 0x0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#5  0x00007f5931fe814a in g_vfs_job_run (job=0x2562990) at gvfsjob.c:197
        class = 0x25609a0
#6  0x00007f5931fe288f in job_handler_callback (data=<optimized out>,
user_data=<optimized out>) at gvfsdaemon.c:203
        job = 0x2562990
#7  0x00007f59302462b8 in ?? ()
from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00007f5930245925 in ?? ()
from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x00007f592fdbd0a4 in start_thread ()
from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x00007f592faf1ccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.

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