Processed: your mail

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Thu Oct 2 10:24:09 UTC 2014

Processing commands for control at

> notfixed 762284 3.14.0
Bug #762284 [libgtk-3-0] libgtk-3-0: gtk3.13 based application not opening
There is no source info for the package 'libgtk-3-0' at version '3.14.0' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.14.0'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.14.0.
> fixed 762284 3.14.0-1
Bug #762284 [libgtk-3-0] libgtk-3-0: gtk3.13 based application not opening
Marked as fixed in versions gtk+3.0/3.14.0-1.
End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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