zeitgeist rc buggy, apparently unmaintained and required by gnome

Ian Campbell ijc at hellion.org.uk
Thu Oct 9 07:33:02 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-10-09 at 00:58 +0100, peter green wrote:
> While looking at why gnome-core is not installable on arm64 official I 
> discovered that zeitgeist had failed to build. Further investigation 
> found that the same issue had been encountered during an amd64 rebuild 
> test and had been reported as 
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=763219
> Some googling shows this is an issue that other projects using valadoc 
> have run into but doesn't provide enough information for someone like me 
> who is clueless about valadoc to fix it.
> Since the bug report has received no maintainer response yet, there has 
> been no maintainer uploads of the package for nearly a year and the 
> package seems to be related to gnome* I thought it was reasonable to 
> bring this to the gnome teams attention.

FWIW yesterday on #debian-ftp:
        pochu: can someone look at valadoc at NEW? it's bumped the
        soname but there are no rdeps so is fine, and the removal of
        vala 0.16 support means we can remove vala-0.16 from jessie
and https://packages.qa.debian.org/v/valadoc.html shows that
0.23.2~git20140902-1 was accepted into unstable today.

No idea if that resolves the issue you are seeing. It doesn't explicitly
close the bug you reference, it only closes #755207 (removal of 0.16


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