Bug#744249: libgtk-3-0: gtk 3.12 breaks usability by forcing client side decorations on X11

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Fri Oct 10 16:51:24 UTC 2014

Am 10.10.2014 um 18:39 schrieb Christoph Anton Mitterer:
> On Fri, 2014-10-10 at 19:38 +0330, Tsu Jan wrote: 
>> I think Debian should change its default DE sooner or later. (Is it 
>> still Gnome?)
> they changed it some months ago, but reverted now back to GNOME o.O
> Unfortunately the GNOME mafia ;) is strong here as well... kinda sad,
> since GNOME, in the meantime, stands for manything which is in the long
> term actually against the ideas of FLOSS... and especially since GNOME
> rather tries to replace the distros. 

Christoph Anton,

please see this as an advance warning. If you don't stop this behaviour
of constantly attacking the GNOME upstream and Debian team and spouting
random accusations sprinkled with imaginary conspiracy theories, I'm
going to report this to the bts and list maintainers and ask for a ban,
as this is clearly in violation of our CoC.

I've CCed them here so they are aware of this issue.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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