Bug#791964: gdm3: upgrade causes X session to be terminated
Michael Biebl
biebl at debian.org
Fri Jul 10 14:20:45 UTC 2015
[keeping pkg-systemd into the loop here]
Am 10.07.2015 um 14:37 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> I suggest we follow up on this bug report.
> I'm not yet quite sure, if this is a gdm or systemd bug and whether the
> best course of action is to simply re-introduce the workaround patch and
> drop that in stretch+1 or if we drop the reload from gdm3.postinst or if
> this indeed another corner case which is not handled properly in systemd.
Joss, bigon: looking at gdm3.postinst, I wonder why we do run
"invoke-rc.d gdm3 reload".
Isn't that potentially dangerous, say we have a major new gdm3 upgrade
with incompatible configuration and we tell the old, running gdm3 to
reload this new configuration?
Wouldn't we rather want a full-restart once all user sessions are
closed? I'm not sure if gdm3 (still) supports that.
As for the systemd specific part, I made an interesting observation,
which might be related to the problem.
Say you have gdm-3.14-7 runnig which has BusName *not* set.
"systemctl show gdm3.service -p BusName -p Type"
will return Type=simple (as expected).
Merely changing the gdm3.service file on disk, and running "systemctl
daemon-reload" *without* actually restarting gdm3, will now yield
I find this behaviour unexpected and strange, i.e. changing the Type of
a running job.
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?
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