Bug#755472: shotwell: Shotwell can't find .ui files

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue May 26 19:34:08 UTC 2015

Am 26.05.2015 um 21:26 schrieb Stephan Beyer:
> Hi,
> On 05/25/2015 08:44 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Sorry, but symlinking /usr is not a good idea and not supported.
>> Closing this bug report.
> Okay, it looks there is a reason for the (seemingly) weird symlink
> behavior, and that reason might be more important than fixing a problem
> for people who had a bad idea. (To be honest, I also do not see why it
> is a bad idea to symlink /usr ... except that shotwell is not working.)
> However, for the handful of people who actually stumble across the same
> problem, I want to add that you can (and, depending on the badideaness,
> even should) mount to /usr instead of symlinking. The switch is easy:
>   rm /usr
>   mkdir /usr
>   mount -o bind /path/to/usr /usr

Just do it properly, and fix your disk partitioning scheme. /usr is
nowadays required to boot a system properly, so needs to be available
during early boot. So, either move /usr to separate partition, so it can
be mounted by the initramfs or move the contents of /usr to your root

Everything else will just bite you in the long run.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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