Bug#804626: override: libgsound0:libs/optional

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Nov 10 19:16:02 UTC 2015

Control: reassign -1 ftp.debian.org
Control: retitle -1 override: libgsound0:libs/optional

Am 10.11.2015 um 00:13 schrieb Ben Finney:
> Package: libgsound0
> Version: 1.0.1-3
> Severity: minor
> Dear Maintainer,
> The section “gnome” is for packages that are “part of the GNOME
> environment or closely integrated into it”.
> The package ‘libgsound0’ installs primarily a shared object library
> for programs, not something that would be installed except as a
> dependency of some other package providing a program. By the section
> descriptions, this package belongs in the “libs” section.
> Please set the field “Section: libs”.

The deb says libs.
So this needs to be fixed on the ftp-master side, thus re-assigning

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