Bug#821410: gnome-terminal: new version misses window border and cannot be resized
Christoph Anton Mitterer
calestyo at scientia.net
Mon Apr 18 15:42:36 UTC 2016
On Mon, 2016-04-18 at 16:32 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> If you have any bug related to Gtk, and in particular window borders,
> please try fully disabling gtk3-nocsd (removing the LD_PRELOAD
> altogether)
> before reporting it. gtk3-nocsd is a hack, and I would not be at all
> surprised if it needs changes for each new Gtk version.
I had it even purged in one try then, and the remaining issue with the
missing scroll bar didn't go away, ... but as mentioned this may be
either a gtk3 or theming issue.
> Whether CSDs are a desirable or undesirable thing is not relevant
> here
Sure, I just like the way it's hanlded right now in gnome-terminal,
i.e. that both works, CSDs and no CSDs, depending on the envvar :)
> So I suspect this is the same thing as #821409.
I'd assume so as well :)
> I wonder whether you're experiencing some transient mismatch between
> pre-
> and post-GNOME-3.20 components during the transition to 3.20? Gtk
> 3.20
> does have some significant theming changes, so third-party themes are
> likely to be broken right now. I'm using Adwaita, so I'm not affected
> by any theme breakage; and various GNOME components are at newer
> (experimental) versions, so the relevant component might be ahead of
> what you have.
Well it's of course expectable that other themes may have issues then
(though breaks would be nice in advance), but I was a bit confused
because it didn't work when I just configured Adwaita and then started
e.g. gnome-terminal or evolution, even though e.g. the borders were
drawn differently. I really had to restart the whole DE.
But that's also rather #821409
> If gnome-terminal does go in a direction that you dislike in the
> future,
> I would suggest choosing a different terminal emulator - perhaps one
> that
> shares gnome-terminal's vte library (which provides the actual
> terminal
> emulation, but has nothing to do with how its windows are decorated).
Well that's probably what one has to do sooner or later. :-(
Anything CSD doesn't unfortunately not really usable with a non-CSD DE,
and at least for me personally I only see disadvantages of CSD in terms
of ergonomics on a classic desktop-like computer or notebook - may be
different on mobile platforms like smartphones where one has little
space and does little professional work, but there I don't use Debian
Anyway,... cheers :)
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