Bug#821409: gtk+3.0: gtk3 apps seem to be graphically broken since the most recent updates

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Apr 18 17:40:50 UTC 2016

Am 18.04.2016 um 18:37 schrieb Christoph Anton Mitterer:
> one more:
> In libreoffice, with libreoffice-gtk3 installed, the scrollbars are no
> longer visible either and some other drawing errors seem to be there,
> like no border around the text fields below the menu (e.g. the forumal
> field in Calc)... and other text fields, like the one for font face and
> size are all gray (while they should probably be white).

Libreoffice needs a rebuild, it has GTK 3.20 specific code. So this is a
known issue.
Rene was so kind and already did an upload today see 1:5.1.2-4.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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