Bug#806824: (no subject)

Barry Warsaw barry at debian.org
Fri Mar 11 18:47:13 UTC 2016

On Mar 11, 2016, at 04:16 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:

>first of all, would be great if you can block all bugs you filed by this
>one, so we can keep track of them more easily and the maintainers of
>those packages know that they should hold off until this particular bug
>report has been dealt with.

Good point; done.

>Looking at [1] I see a few packages missing on your list.

Isn't this a better search?


That returns the packages that actually call the function that potentially
loads one of the Python runtimes.   It does show the initial bug list missed
eog (python3), roger-router (python2), and entangle (python3).  I'll file bugs
for those too.

>Ok, this was misleading. I'll try to explain what I meant in more
>detail. Let's take liferea as an example, which currently uses python2.  You
>asked the maintainer to add an explicit dependency on
>libpeas-1.0-0-python2loader, but didn't really explain why.  The maintainer
>would need to know that he needs to scan all .plugin files for
>Loader=python[3] lines, and do that for every new upstream release.

I might be wrong, but I don't think that's the appropriate criteria.  As
described above, wouldn't the dependency have to be added to the package that
loads the python2 or python3 loader, not the individual plugins?
E.g. rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar doesn't load the loader, but it
depends on rhythmbox, so if the latter has the proper loader dependency, that
should be enough.

>It's highly likely, that liferea is ported to python3 at some point but this
>dependency is forgotten to be updated to libpeas-1.0-0-python3loader.

I think it's much less likely if the above analysis is correct.  Once liferea
is ported to Python 3, it will be obvious that liferea's libpeas loader
dependency will also need to be updated when all its other dependencies are

>So, I'm not generally against splitting out the loaders, but if we do
>so, I think we should automate the dependency generation via a dh_peas
>debhelper addon, which scans .plugin files and adds the correct
>dependency depending on what it finds.

Given the above analysis, I think that's probably overkill.

>The alternative I see, is to not split out the loaders, but get the
>remaining python2-using packages ported and then disable the python2 loader.

Sure, that would be great, but outside the scope of this bug ;).
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