Bug#824417: gnome-terminal: Does not show up in menu(s) in LXDE. Last line of file /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Terminal.desktop specifies "OnlyShowIn=GNOME; Unity; " Please add LXDE as well.

Lubo Diakov lubodiakov at gmail.com
Sun May 15 18:59:47 UTC 2016

> LXDE is dead upstream (has been replaced by LXQt). So I'm not convinced
> it makes sense to add this for LXDE now.

Ok, I must have missed that news. My question would then be, is there
some harm to adding it so it works now, until all former LXDE users
migrate to LXQT or something else? Even if it means reverting that
later, when there is no LXDE package? We are talking about 5 extra
letters "LXDE;" in 1 single text file, and it will not affect any
other desktop environment in any way. And if not, what will be done
if/when LXQT or any newer DE currently not supported comes along? I
understand whitelisting only DEs that are known to be compatible and
actively developed, but up to a point. Surely there are more than 2
viable DEs in existence? Maybe only they meet some quality cutoff, but
it seems somewhat arbitrary without having an idea what the cutoff is.
> I wonder if it would make sense to drop
> debian/patches/01_onlyshowin.patch completely.
> This patch was added as other desktop environments usually install their
> own preferred terminal, in case of lxde this is lxterminal.

Yes, please. Having every program that is technically compatible show
up without jumping through unneeded hoops. Anyone who installs 2 or
more should be tech. savvy enough to know why he/she did it, i.e. the
other one has a feature they need.
> Having multiple terminals in the menu could be confusing.

Only to rank beginners, and that can be mitigated somewhat by clear
concise explanations/titles in the menu and hints. E.g. if instead of
calling itself "Terminal" as if there is only one (echoes of
Highlander in my head) it would specify "gnome terminal, a terminal
emulator for X11 implemented by gnome, with perhaps the upstream URL
for FAQs, if needed"
> Michael
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
> universe are pointed away from Earth?

Любомир Гаврилов Дяков
lubodiakov at gmail.com

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