Bug#778715: Edge scrolling is quite annoying

Jason Crain jason at inspiresomeone.us
Sun May 15 22:12:33 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 + unreproducible moreinfo

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 10:32:22PM +0100, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Since some versions, evince scrolls its content when the mouse is on
> the top edge or the bottom edge. This also happens when evince doesn't
> have the focus or when the mouse is on another screen. The behavior is
> also quite unexpected.
> If there is some compile-time option to disable this, it would be
> welcome. I have an hard time to understand why such a feature has been
> implemented.

I can't reproduce this on either Jessie or Sid.  Can you confirm if you
still have this problem?  What desktop environment are you using?  Does
this effect any other gtk3 apps like gedit?

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