Bug#836272: gnome: Please do not sleep when closing laptop lid, when going to shutdown computer

olivier olivier.cailloux at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 09:15:36 UTC 2016

Package: gnome
Version: 1:3.14+3
Severity: wishlist

The “power” icon, in gnome status menu, is used to shut down the computer
after a delay of 60 seconds. (Pressing the shutdown button bypasses the delay.)

Closing the laptop lid, by default, makes the computer sleep.

The sleep-when-laptop-lid-closed action makes sense generally as a default, but
not in case the power icon has been pressed and the count down has started.
When one clicks the power icon, does not click the shutdown button, and close
the laptop lid, one naturally expects that the computer will shut down after
the 60 seconds delay. Instead of that, powering the computer on again later
leads back to the screen that is counting down for shutdown.

Please disable the sleep-when-laptop-lid-closed action when the shutdown count
down has started.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 8.5
  APT prefers stable-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'stable-updates'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.utf8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages gnome depends on:
ii  alacarte                       3.11.91-2
ii  avahi-daemon                   0.6.31-5
ii  bijiben                        3.14.2-1+b1
ii  brasero                        3.11.4-1.1
ii  cheese                         3.14.1-2
ii  cups-pk-helper                 0.2.5-2+b1
ii  desktop-base                   8.0.2
ii  evolution                      3.12.9~git20141130.241663-1+b1
ii  evolution-plugins              3.12.9~git20141130.241663-1+b1
ii  file-roller                    3.14.1-1
ii  gedit                          3.14.0-3
ii  gedit-plugins                  3.14.0-2
ii  gimp                           2.8.14-1+deb8u1
ii  gnome-clocks                   3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-color-manager            3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-core                     1:3.14+3
ii  gnome-documents                3.14.2-1
ii  gnome-games                    1:3.14+3
ii  gnome-getting-started-docs     3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-logs                     3.14.2-1
ii  gnome-maps           
ii  gnome-music                    3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-nettool                  3.8.1-1
ii  gnome-orca                     3.14.0-4+deb8u1
ii  gnome-photos                   3.14.2-1
ii  gnome-shell-extension-weather  0~20151125.gitccaa1eb-1~deb8u1
ii  gnome-sound-recorder 
ii  gnome-tweak-tool               3.14.2-2
ii  goobox                         3.3.1-6
ii  gstreamer1.0-libav             1:1.4.5-dmo1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly      1.4.4-2+b1
ii  hamster-applet                 2.91.3+git20120514.b9fec3e1-1
ii  inkscape                       0.48.5-3
ii  libgtk2-perl                   2:1.2492-4
ii  libreoffice-calc               1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5
ii  libreoffice-evolution          1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5
ii  libreoffice-gnome              1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5
ii  libreoffice-impress            1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5
ii  libreoffice-writer             1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5
ii  nautilus-sendto                3.8.2-1
ii  network-manager-gnome
ii  polari                         3.14.1-1
ii  rhythmbox                      3.1-1
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder    3.1-1
ii  rhythmbox-plugins              3.1-1
ii  rygel-playbin                  0.24.2-1+b1
ii  rygel-tracker                  0.24.2-1+b1
ii  seahorse                       3.14.0-2
ii  simple-scan                    3.14.0-1
ii  telepathy-gabble               0.18.3-1+b1
ii  telepathy-rakia                0.8.0-3
ii  telepathy-salut                0.8.1-4
ii  totem-plugins                  3.14.0-2
ii  transmission-gtk               2.84-0.2
ii  vinagre                        3.14.1-1
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk              0.10-1

Versions of packages gnome recommends:
pn  gnome-software  <none>

Versions of packages gnome suggests:
pn  iceweasel-l10n-all     <none>
ii  xul-ext-adblock-plus   2.6.6+dfsg-1
pn  xul-ext-gnome-keyring  <none>

Versions of packages gnome-core depends on:
ii  adwaita-icon-theme         3.14.0-2
ii  at-spi2-core               2.14.0-1
ii  baobab                     3.14.1-1
ii  caribou                    0.4.15-1
ii  caribou-antler             0.4.15-1
ii  dconf-gsettings-backend    0.22.0-1
ii  dconf-tools                0.22.0-1
ii  empathy                    3.12.7-1
ii  eog                        3.14.1-1
ii  evince                     3.14.1-2+deb8u1
ii  evolution-data-server      3.12.9~git20141128.5242b0-2+deb8u2
ii  fonts-cantarell            0.0.16-1
ii  gdm3                       3.14.1-7
ii  gkbd-capplet               3.6.0-1
ii  glib-networking            2.42.0-2
ii  gnome-backgrounds          3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-bluetooth            3.14.0-2
ii  gnome-calculator           3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-contacts             3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-control-center       1:3.14.2-3
ii  gnome-dictionary           3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-disk-utility         3.12.1-1+b1
ii  gnome-font-viewer          3.14.0-2
ii  gnome-keyring              3.14.0-1+b1
ii  gnome-menus                3.13.3-6
ii  gnome-online-accounts      3.14.2-1
ii  gnome-online-miners        3.14.0-2
ii  gnome-packagekit           3.14.0-1
ii  gnome-screenshot           3.14.0-1
ii  gnome-session              3.14.0-2
ii  gnome-settings-daemon      3.14.2-3
ii  gnome-shell                3.14.4-1~deb8u1
ii  gnome-shell-extensions     3.14.2-1
ii  gnome-sushi                3.12.0-2+b1
ii  gnome-system-log           3.9.90-2
ii  gnome-system-monitor       3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-terminal             3.14.1-1+deb8u1
ii  gnome-themes-standard
ii  gnome-user-guide           3.14.1-1
ii  gnome-user-share           3.14.0-2
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas  3.14.1-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-base  1.4.4-2
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good  1.4.4-2
ii  gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio    1.4.4-2
ii  gtk2-engines               1:2.20.2-3
ii  gucharmap                  1:3.14.1-1
ii  gvfs-backends              1.22.2-1
ii  gvfs-bin                   1.22.2-1
ii  gvfs-fuse                  1.22.2-1
ii  iceweasel                  45.3.0esr-1~deb8u1
ii  libatk-adaptor             2.14.0-2
ii  libcanberra-pulse          0.30-2.1
ii  libcaribou-gtk-module      0.4.15-1
ii  libcaribou-gtk3-module     0.4.15-1
ii  libgtk-3-common            3.14.5-1+deb8u1
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring       3.14.0-1+b1
ii  metacity                   1:3.14.3-1
ii  mousetweaks                3.12.0-1
ii  nautilus                   3.14.1-2
ii  policykit-1-gnome          0.105-2
ii  pulseaudio                 5.0-13
ii  sound-theme-freedesktop    0.8-1
ii  totem                      3.14.0-2
ii  tracker-gui                1.2.4-2
ii  vino                       3.14.0-2+b1
ii  yelp                       3.14.1-1
ii  zenity                     3.14.0-1

Versions of packages gnome-core recommends:
ii  anacron                2.3-23
ii  network-manager-gnome

gnome-core suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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