Bug#836355: libglib2.0-0: makes all entries of fstab show up as desktop items

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Fri Sep 2 12:45:16 UTC 2016

Hello Adam Borowski.

Thanks for your bug report.

On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 06:42:19AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> Package: libglib2.0-0
> Version: 2.49.6-1
> Severity: normal
> Hi!
> After today's upgrade of libglib2.0-0, I get every single entry of fstab,
> even /proc, show up as a desktop item.  This is with xfce.
> Reproducible on a freshly installed system; you just get 2 entries
> ("Filesystem root" and "cdrom0") as fresh fstab is rather empty.
> No gvfs installed, so none of those should show up.
> I've eliminated every possible culprit other than libglib2.0-bin, at my
> system's current state downgrading these two makes the ~20 desktop items go
> away, upgrading these two makes them reappear.

Your description is making me a bit confused, but I hope I can give
you some useful hints for investigating this anyway.

Recently glib gained a new (and preferred) backend based on libmount
which might be related to the issue you're reporting.
You could try rebuilding the glib2.0 package with the
--enable-libmount flipped to --disable-libmount and see if that
affects your problem.

Either way, I'm not sure how XFCE decides what to list on the desktop
so would appreciate if you pointed me to where in the code it's
interacting with glib for getting the information. Also, I think
this bug should probably be reassigned to the relevant XFCE component
for investigation there as glib is a low-level interface which knows
nothing about graphical interfaces and should not be filtering out
any mountpoints for your gui.

Fwiw, GNOME is not affected by any change because of the glib update so
likely XFCE and GNOME just interacts differently with glib.

Andreas Henriksson

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