Bug#838050: GDM3-only behaviour; Wayland not totally broken; bad tablets break even that

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Sep 18 16:03:15 UTC 2016

> This breaks gnome-shell with all the Wacom and non-Wacom graphics
> tablets I've tried, crashing gnome-shell at or shortly after the point
> when they are connected. However the non-tablet USB devices I've tried
> seem OK, including my (non-Wacom, non-pen, regular multitouch)
> touchscreen. See bug 838047 for details and log traces.

Since I do not possess such hardware, it's hard for me to reproduce.

It would therefor would be great if you can file this issue directly
upstream at

It's probably an issue in libmutter, but upstream will most certainly
know more.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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